Isaiah 55:8-9 New King James Version (NKJV)
8 “For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways,” says the Lord. 9 “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, So are My ways higher than your ways, And My thoughts than your thoughts.
I’ve been watching an old movie called vantage point where the same situation occurs to different people who were present at the same event, however, because of who they are, their rank, or where they were placed during the situation, they see the situation occurring completely different. They have different advantages or even disadvantages; one person sees everything (to a certain extent) while the other person’s views are limited based upon the level of clearance given to them or where their vantage point is. It’s their point of view, and compared to others, can be way off because of limitations beyond their control (where they are placed in the crowd, what’s blocking their views, etc). This reminded me of the comparisons of points of views between God and Us. God, a God who is all knowing, knows the beginning and the end and EVERY part to your story, sees our situations from His vantage point of TOTAL unobstructed, unlimited views versus what we see from our positions of limited perception. He can see it all but yet we struggle with seeing pass a moment of blurred frustrations. We don’t have full views like He does, and that’s why we are to completely trust in Him being who He is to us.
His word promises that because of His position, of His advantages in what He sees, He will take care of us and promises a life for us that we can’t fathom, but it requires total submission and trust in Him. Because you are limited, your vantage point can be difficult to see your promises and blessings beyond a difficult situation that you’re in right now. Why not give your thoughts and dreams and put your trust in someone who CAN see it all, who knows your end even before your beginning? Who can confirm to you that your very story will be amazing, you just have to get passed this hurdle, and that you will be everything He’s called you to be, so stop stressing about your future! His thoughts are higher, His ways are higher; be reassured in what He sees in YOU. He reminds us when He says, "I KNOW the plans that I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future," so believe Him at His words. His vantage point already shows you at your greatest, at your highest, and coming out of your current situation. Rest in knowing that He’s got you completely covered and you have total advantage over all when you give to Him your complete surrender, trusting in His way over your own.
-Denia Shanelle
My Prayer Today:
ABBA, I thank you that today, you’re showing me a new way to live, A higher way, as I give my stress, anxiety and worries of tomorrow over to you. In exchange, you give me peace and joy, and a releasing of burdens that I never needed to carry. I relinquish my will for yours, for your vantage point is greater and I trust You over everything that I can’t currently see with my natural eye. Your thoughts are higher and with you, my possibilities are endless. I thank you for seeing me first, and for investing your love in me, and despite all you can do and see, you chose me to be your vessel. I thank you for your promises that even though time continues to move forward, your promises never have an expiration date; You will do exactly what you’ve promised and purposed on the inside of us and your word will not return void. Your words will do exactly what you’ve purposed for them to do in my life and I’m forever grateful. In Jesus Name, Amen.
God is saying: If you saw what I see, you wouldn’t be crying now. If you knew what you were going to be, you wouldn’t be stressing about the times of stillness now. I got you. Trust me. If you had the ability to travel into the future, you’d see I’ve already made a way AND I’m there with you. So you never have to worry about a thing, then and now. I am God. I’m there already in the future just as I’m here with you in the present. Stop worrying about tomorrow, about money or what you’ll be in life. It’s already handled, and handled VERY well. I have you in the palm of MY hands.