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Writer's pictureDenia Shanelle

Stepping up to the Calling of this Decade

Out of your Comfort Zone and Into Your Calling~

This is clearly a New Decade & a New Time that we are living in, a New Normal as some might call it. With all that is going on around us, you've been feeling a push from somewhere deep within, but you don't quite understand it. You've been surrounded by chaos and you are wondering how to help, how to live, and most importantly, how to survive. Sometimes, you feel you are just getting by day by day, while other times you feel inadequate and lost. Your routine needs a shifting but you are unsure how and where to begin. But what remains inside of you is this deep desire to do something different, to be relevant and effective for this time that you are living in, to accomplish something that has never been done before, but what? I am speaking to the people who are visionaries and dreamers, who are trying to figure out their "next" in this new normal. This inner voice keeps speaking to you to do more, but you have no idea where to start. What is this that you are feeling? Can I make a suggestion that you take a trip with me into your word, in the Gospel of Luke? Remember in Luke Chapter 5, Jesus told Peter to put out his boat into deep water and let down his nets for a catch. Now, Peter was a skilled fisherman, and he knew what he was doing. However, this must have been a slow season for him because he was not currently catching any fish. Does this sound familiar? Is this a slow season for you with the government shut downs and everything around you closing? You cannot travel or gig or even create events due to having to be confined in your home. I am sure this is a tough season, just like many of our artists and musician friends who are all trying to figure out their next moves, wondering if it is worth it to even continue. I'm sure I'm not the only one who felt like Peter did, as I'm "washing my nets" because it looks as though I'm finished. But just then, Jesus steps in with more in store. So, Peter responded to Jesus by saying, "Master, we've worked hard all night and haven't caught anything. But because you say so, I will let down the nets," basically saying, what I've been doing for so long hasn't been working in this season and I am well aware that something needs to change, so, at your words, I will obey, because honestly, I don't want to quit. I don't want to give up when I know that God has more in store. I believe that something inside of me is pulling at me to be used in this season. And because of this obedience, what occurred next in this deep water territory was the abundance and overflow of fish... Can I be the first to tell you that YOU are now entering your deep water territory. What happens next ONLY if you listen to God and be obedient, is your abundance and overflow of YOUR fish.

I am here to tell you that your Heavenly Father is calling you deeper. With you now having to change your new normal to fit this new time, you've clearly been inconvenienced. You've been frustrated, you've been annoyed and some of you have even wanted to give up! You've been "washing your nets" because you don't see the fish yet. But do not give in to your feelings of incompleteness & unsteadiness, because right now, God is forcing you out of your comfort zone and into your absolute calling, in deeper waters. You will move forward! God is reestablishing your specific role in this new season and will define exactly what your gifting will be used for in this new decade, which will be effective. Think of all of this as your reset button, as God repurposes His calling in your life. God desires for you to step up to your calling of this new decade. You were purposely made and created for a time SUCH AS THIS. This is no coincidence that you are alive during all that is going on around you on April 1, 2020. You are full of new ideas, innovation and creative ways TO PROSPER in everything God has for you IN THIS SEASON. Step away from FEAR, and activate ONLY FAITH. Listen, be obedient, and step up to the call. Your Fish are waiting!!!

Isaiah 43:18-19

Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.

God is saying:

Forget how you’ve done it before, that was too easy for, I’m doing something different to bring you to your truest potential in ME. It’s happening now!!! I know you see it, I know you feel it!! And TRUST ME, I WILL make a way!! 

💋Denia Shanelle

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