I woke up this morning with such an innate feeling to study and get myself back on track mentally and spiritually. There has been so much lately, and often times, being surrounded by a lot can easily throw you off course. Whenever I myself, feel unbalanced, my "spirit woman" (that spirit being on the inside of me) pushes me to get into the word and find out what God says about my current situation, and that's where I start to study to help balance myself. Well this morning, it was truly needed. God brought me to Hebrews 10:36 and it resonated in my very soul;
"Patient endurance is what you need now, so that you will continue to do God's will. Then you will receive all that he has promised."
I love how God works! You have to do your part and THEN He REWARDS you!
With all that has been going on lately in my personal corner of the world, it has left my family with such a "heavy" feeling of inadequacy. Miscarriages, death, lack of promotion, lack of ministry, finances, etc, can all feel VERY WEIGHTY, especially when it happens ALL AT ONCE. But reading Hebrews 10 today showed me that God still has a plan and even through all of this, I am to endure and persevere. Patient endurance is what is needed in these times. So if you've felt like I have felt, when you currently don't feel like taking another step forward, remember, it is ALL going to lead somewhere, as long as you believe that God is still in this. In order to see that next step, you have to keep moving forward. I can imagine if I stopped whenever something heavy came my way, I would have never seen any of the good works that God has done in my life thus far. Patient endurance is complex, as is God, but the thing we need to realize is that He will never ask us for something He doesn't think we can do! Webster defines patience as the capacity to accept or tolerate delay, trouble, or suffering WITHOUT getting angry or upset. Webster's definition of endurance is the ability to withstand hardship or adversity. So when you put these two together, patience and endurance, what you see that God is really asking of you, family, is to watch how HE is going to turn this thing around! He is saying, "Don't lose sight of my Promises, and continue to hold your head up despite these difficulties, because I GOT YOU!"
We have to hold onto His words. That's the only thing that can and will bring us to a new level. The only way to see the other side of your situation is to keep holding on to the Promises of God. If you are currently unsure of what those promises are, please, get in touch with me, I can help you spot them out in His Word. His word shows us everything He has planned out just for us, but it takes reading it and having Faith in what it says. I can tell you stories of how He's worked out situations for me and for my family that I never thought would be possible, all because I started believing. Start there. Believe for greater. Study his word, and watch him take you to what He's promised for your life. Patient endurance is what we need now, but there is something He gives in exchange for what he's asking of us. I want to get to the level that I receive ALL that He has promised for my life, don't you?? Be encouraged, family! He's still here....and is still working on your behalf!
Denia Shanelle💋
Thank Niecey for this blog to reach the masses! I love you and I thank God for you! Continue to endure HIS greatness.❤️